Australia’s Public Sector

The State of the Australian Public Service: An Alternative Report | LANDMARK REPORT

The Centre for Policy Development releases The State of the Australian Public Service: An Alternative Report, as part of our Public Service program. DOWNLOAD the report The State of the Australian Public Service. The report’s key...

ROUNDTABLES | The World’s Best Public Service: How are we Tracking?

Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey recently pledged to slash 12,000 public servants ‘for starters’. What prompted this pledge? What does it signify? What problem would retrenching thousands of public servants solve? What problems might it...

Cheryl McGregor | Paying our respects to the bureaucrats

Cheryl McGregor at The Newcastle Herald, has mined the sneak preview of our upcoming paper, The State of the Australian Public Service: An Alternative Report to find that as citizens we are discerning enough...

James Whelan | Public Opinion Pro Public Service

Public Servants: lazy bureaucratic fat cats or necessary to achieve “ambitious goals for a richer, fairer and greener Australia” (Kim Carr)? Recent CPD research has returned some surprising results regarding attitudes towards the public service...

Public service in the news | 19/7/11

Green public sector on the rise > A green brigade of bureaucrats assigned to environmental programs around the country has grown by 20 per cent since Labor won power four years ago. And the...

‘Public servants are an easy target’: Upcoming CPD report

Earlier this year, Senator Kim Carr observed that, “The pleasure taken in bureaucrat bashing has reached new extremes.” CPD’s research confirms the Senator’s view. Our analysis of the Parliamentary record, in particular, reveals a...

Public Private Partnerships no ‘magic pudding’

Tristan Ewins dissects the failings of PPPs and considers some possible alternatives.