ASEAN leadership needed to address forced migration amid Myanmar crisis, COVID-19: ADFM

Published in The Jakarta Post on 11 June 2021. A recently convened track-two diplomatic forum is calling on ASEAN leaders to tackle the issue of forced migration, just as civil unrest and the COVID-19...


Key documents for the tenth ADFM meeting: Full agenda and participant list Participant profiles Discussion Paper Co-Convenors’ Statement Related media  On 6 May 2021 the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration (ADFM) convened virtually...

Virtual Roundtable on Mainstreaming Child Protection in the Context of International Migration

In December 2020 the Secretariat of the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration (ADFM) was pleased to co-convene a virtual regional roundtable with the International Detention Coalition (IDC), focused on mainstreaming child protection in the...

Caitlin McCaffrie: Andaman Sea Crisis: Is the region really better off in 2020?

Published as part of the Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law’s Andaman Sea Crisis series on 6 August 2020 The Asia Pacific is experiencing another major test of regional cooperation, reminiscent of the 2015...

Ninth meeting | ASIA DIALOGUE ON FORCED MIGRATION | February 2020

Key documents for the ninth ADFM meeting: Full agenda and participant list Participant profiles Briefing papers Co-Conveners’ Statement The ninth meeting of the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration (ADFM) was held in Dhaka,...

Regional Roundtable on Alternatives to Child Detention | 21-22 Nov 2019 | Bangkok

The Secretariat of the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration (ADFM) was pleased to co-convene a Regional Roundtable on Alternative Care Arrangements for Children in the Context of International Migration in the Asia Pacific. The...

Workshop on Building Institutional Capacity for Regional Migration Governance | 13 September

On 13 September, the Centre for Policy Development joined academics and experts from Southeast Asia and the United Kingdomfor aworkshop onBuilding institutional capacity for regional migration governance: Collective problems and competing normsat the University...

Eighth meeting | ASIA DIALOGUE ON FORCED MIGRATION | June 2019

Key documents for the eighth ADFM meeting: Full agenda and participant list Participant profiles Briefing Papers Co-Convenors’ Statement The eighth meeting of the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration (ADFM) was held from 27-29 June...

Bangladesh and its Emerging Role in the Region | ROUNDTABLE | June 2019

Yesterday, CPD co-hosted a special roundtable event with the Bangladesh High Commission on ‘Bangladesh and its Emerging Role in the Region: Bilateral Relations and Challenges for the Region from Forced Displacement’ in Melbourne. We...

Avoiding a Crisis within a Crisis | ADFM Trafficking Risk Assessment | March 2019

Addressing the risks of human trafficking, migrant smuggling and related exploitation arising from the Rohingya displacement in Cox’s Bazar. Between March and November 2018, the Secretariat of the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration (ADFM)...