
Climate and Recovery Initiative Roundtable Eight Image of wind turbines

Seventh Climate & Recovery Initiative stakeholder roundtable

The seventh roundtable of the Climate and Recovery Initiative, on Friday 19 November 2021, was held directly after a public forum on Climate, Capital Markets and Global Governance. The UNFCCC COP26 concluded just days...

Starting Better Report - Centre for Policy Development

Starting Better – Centre for Policy Development

Starting Better: A Guarantee for Young Children and Families Starting Better: A guarantee for young children and families, is a major report from the Centre For Policy Development. It draws on extensive consultation and...

VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT: Climate Risk, Capital Markets and Global Governance

The climate risk, capital markets and global governance forum saw senior leaders from Australia and the United States explore the latest climate policy developments, their impact on economic strategy and diplomacy, and how Australia’s...

CPD’s Upcoming Public Forum: Climate, Capital Markets and Global Governance

On behalf of the Climate & Recovery Initiative, the Centre for Policy Development and ClimateWorks Australia are pleased to invite you to participate in a virtual public forum on climate, transition, and global economic...

Annabel Brown at the Regional Refugee Settlement Forum

Program Director Annabel Brown’s closing remarks at the Regional Refugee Settlement Forum on October 12 2021. Thanks Margaret. It is a great pleasure to be here. I would like to start by acknowledging the...

Australia’s access to capital may be strangled over climate stance

Article by Lucas Baird featuring CPD’s Climate & Recovery Initiative, published in the Australian Financial Review on 22 September 2021. Australia risks punishment from global markets that will blow out the cost of, and...

How private management consultants took over the public service

Published in The Saturday Paper on October 9 2021. By Rick Morton, with comments from CEO Travers McLeod and Board Chair Terry Moran. On June 7, global management consulting firm McKinsey and Company was awarded a...

Virtual Workshop on Access to Education for Refugee and Migrant Children | 9 September 2021

In September 2021 the Secretariat of the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration (ADFM) was pleased to co-convene a virtual workshop with the International Detention Coalition (IDC), focused on access to education for refugee and migrant. This is the...

Travers McLeod and Toby Phillips: Time to respond to the climate for investment

A shorter version of this op-ed was published in The Australian on 29 September 2021. While Scott Morrison met with Quad leaders at the White House last week in the wake of the AUKUS...

Climate and Recovery Initiative Roundtable Eight Image of wind turbines

Sixth Climate & Recovery Initiative stakeholder roundtable

The Climate and Recovery Initiative’s sixth roundtable, held on Thursday 9 September 2021, captured a sense of urgency and momentum towards coordinated and ambitious action on climate change. Prominent leaders from government, business, and...