Land sector

CPD – EY roundtable on agricultural sustainability | 12 August 2015

In August CPD was delighted to host leaders from across the Australian agricultural sector to discuss how to seize the potential of ‘virtuous cycles’ in agriculture, and entrench sustainability at the heart of the strategic...

From vicious to virtuous cycles: a sustainable future for Australian agriculture | DISCUSSION PAPER | August 2015

CPD’s latest discussion paper was launched as part of an agricultural sustainability roundtable hosted by Ernst & Young and CPD in Canberra on 12 August 2015. Andrew Metcalfe AO, former Secretary of the Departments of...


The Land | 5 January 2014

Agricultural policies back on the table. Farming smarter acknowledges Australia’s agricultural needs. Labor is revising their agricultural policies in the hopes of capitalising on economic opportunities into the ‘Asian century’. Shadow Agriculture Minister Joel Fitzgibbon...

Laura Eadie, portrait 2012

Australian Environmental Management | 2012 Volume 2

Farming smarter, not harder Laura Eadie, CPD’s sustainable economy research director composed a piece from Farming Smarter, Not Harder for last years Australian Environmental Management -The Green Building Guide magazine. Farming Smarter, Not Harder was is a report...

Investing in agriculture's future

Investing in agriculture’s future: CPD case studies report | DISCUSSION PAPER | September 2013

CPD case studies inform sustainable food summit Public policy think tank Global Access Partners holds its annual growth summit each September in the Parliament House of a hosting state for a select audience of...

CPD Sustainable Economy Research Director Laura Eadie

Developing the North | Fact Sheet

The north of Australia is not as ripe for agricultural development as it would first appear… With conversation growing louder on ideas to develop Northern Australia into a new agricultural power house or ‘foodbowl’,...

Miriam Lyons on The Drum 15 Aug 2013

ABC The Drum | 15 August 2013

Back to the Northern foodbowl? Miriam engages Nick Minchin on agricultural & economic policy. Libs are witholding their costings, but do anyone’s sums add up? And should the PM be touting company tax breaks...


The Greens food plan draws on CPD research

‘Our Food Our Future: The Greens Plan for Australia’s Food Security’ Greens leader Christine Milne launched ‘Our Food Future’ last week with an online discussion answering questions live. Viewers were able to post questions in a...


Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society | 22 August

A strong economy and a healthy environment NSW Branch Seminar CPD Research Director Laura Eadie and fellow Caroline Hoisington will present a free seminar for the Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society (AARES) discussing...

ABC Environment Online, 11 February 2013

Food boom will be no mining boom CPD’s Sutainable Economy research director Laura Eadie responded to recent pronouncements from both government and opposition, on making Australia into Asia’s ‘food bowl’, with an opinion editorial,...