In November the Sydney Institute of Marine Science released a report by CPD fellow Caroline Hoisington that begins the complex, yet important, process of assessing the economic value of the Sydney Harbour. Our Harbour Our Asset aims...
Like eating fish? It’s time to start caring where it comes from. Carissa Klein, Postdoctoral research fellow in conservation biology at The University of Queensland, investigates sustainability in seafood, citing CPD’s recent study, Net...
CPD marine economy fellow interviewed on new CPD Report: Net advantage. ABC Rural Radio journalist Harry Crawford interviewed Caroline Hoisington on the impact of marine protected areas (MPAs) in far North Queensland. Over 35%...
Australian fishing’s competitive edge boosted by marine reserves In Net advantage: securing our fisheries management, CPD researcher Michael Hayman argues Australian commercial fisheries can gain a global competitive edge by embracing the benefits of marine...
Book your seat for this FREE event… Four experts will discuss the danger of accelerating port development, at the Great Barrier Reef: Mega Ports or Marine Park? speaker event which is hosted by the Australian Marine...
Economist: Keep NSW marine parks for at least 15 years Coastal coverage for CPD’s Marine protection dividend paper According to the newsdesk covering over ten local papers on the NSW and Queensland coasts, CPD fellow Caroline...
Marine protection dividend paper on NineMSN CPD Marine economy fellow Caroline Hoisington’s paper found that 15 years is a minimum period to assess the impact of marine parks, and that the reserves also deliver clear...
Don’t quit before the full benefits flow CPD’s latest ‘marine economy’ report by former World Bank economist Caroline Hoisington, finds that marine parks deliver more over time As the NSW government considers marine management reforms,...
A strong economy and a healthy environment NSW Branch Seminar CPD Research Director Laura Eadie and fellow Caroline Hoisington will present a free seminar for the Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society (AARES) discussing...
CPD report describes the network of parks as Australia’s Insurance policy for a stable marine economy. New paper reaches coastal communities through more than 25 regional newspapers The new paper, by CPD fellow Caroline...