AFR: “Coalition urged on marine parks” CPD’s Executive Director Miriam Lyons was interviewed for a short piece by Sophie Morris in the Australian Financial Review, 28 June. The article discusses the Australian Marine Alliance’s...
Thomas Foundation extends grant to continue CPD marine sector research CPD is delighted to announce that we have received a grant from The Thomas Foundation to continue our research on Australia’s marine economy. Over...
CPD’s analysis shows that the new National Marine Parks within the proposed Commonwealth Marine Reserves Network cover an area that provides $1.2 billion each year in ecosystem services which are not currently recognised in...
CPD researcher Laura Eadie talks to Domenica Settle from Earth Matters on 3CR Community Radio on her findings from the Stocking Up report on our marine economy. In this podcast Laura discusses why smarter fishing...
CPD researcher Laura Eadie appeared on ABC 1233 Newcastle Local Radio this morning – interviewed by Jill Emberson – talking about Australia’s future sustainable economy and the increasing recognition of climate change in Australian...
Media coverage of CPD marine economy report, Stocking Up – Securing our marine economy Andrew Darby | Marine survey uncovers a deep sea treasure trove | The Sydney Morning Herald “Building on UN Environment Program biodiversity assessments,...
Australia has the largest coverage of sea grass habitats in the world, storing 10 to 40 times the carbon of equivalent hectares of forest. Our marine estate captures at least $15.8 billion per year...
Australia is surrounded by a vast wealth of oceans. More than 70 per cent of our territory lies under water – the third largest and most biodiverse marine estate in the world. So far...
Following the release of CPD’s research paper, Stocking Up: Securing our Marine Economy, Sustainable Economy Research Director Laura Eadie was interviewed by ABC Rural host Tim Marshall. The worth of Australia’s ocean resources, is grossly...
Our research on our ocean wealth makes it all the way to China – The People’s Daily reports on CPD’s research paper Stocking Up: Securing our Marine Economy, emphasising its implications for Australia’s carbon...