Real world economics

Insight | Budget 2011

CPD authors find a lot of blinkered thinking in the race to a surplus. Here’s what you will find in the Budget 2011 edition of InSight.

Is Coalition Economic Policy A Nauru Solution?

How did a gathering of professional economists rate the policies of the two major parties? And how does the Coalition’s rhetoric about economic management sit against its record? Ian McAuley reports from the Australian...

What About Doing Something About Equal Pay?

Women voters are a hot topic this election campaign – so why isn’t there more talk about equal pay, asks Kath McDermott

What Will The CPI Tell Us About Interest Rates?

The CPI will be released this week but Ian McAuley isn’t confident that the announcement will be accompanied by rational debate on interest rates

Superannuation Changes Fail Fairness Test

The government’s announced reforms to the tax concession further undermines the potential of superannuation to significantly contribute to either the assets available to workers when they retire or the fiscal sustainability of the Budget...

What we failed to learn from the GFC

Ian McAuley draws our attention to a report that Chris Bowen, Minister for Financial Services, released in the sleepy season – the Johnson report on the finance sector

Flat tax champions dodge the hard issues

Ben Spies-Butcher questions claims that the Liberals’ flat tax proposals are either simpler or fairer.

Risk and the financial system – time for a People’s Bank? At least it’s time for review

John Quiggin calls for, if not a People’s bank, at least a new inquiry into the financial system.

Welfare for the rich? How tax breaks are transforming Australia’s Welfare State

CPD Fellow, Ben Spies-Butcher considers how tax breaks are transforming Australia’s welfare. Are these new forms of social security promoting self-reliance or more welfare for the rich? If you’re in Melbourne, come along to...

Ian McAuley asks ‘What next?’

From the time Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy last September, most politicians and public servants have been busy trying to contain the damage of the global economic crisis, without paying much attention to the...