Real world economics

5 ideas in 5 minutes

An extract from the UK’s New Economics Foundation on creating economic recovery ‘From the ashes of the crash’.

Reforming Australia’s hidden welfare state: Tax expenditures as welfare for the rich | OCCASIONAL PAPER

One of Australia’s least fair and least effective forms of public investment is still growing like topsy. In this paper for the Centre for Policy Development Dr Ben Spies-Butcher and Adam Stebbing uncover Australia’s...

Lessons in Greed, Gullibility and Ignorance

High risk financial activities are not sustainable, writes Joe Nagy, in this review of the lead-up to last year’s meltdown: “The recent global financial meltdown began in America and spread far beyond its borders....

Learning from the Asian Financial Crisis and the Dot-Com Boom

Monetary policy should orient itself towards stability and take into account the recent precedents to the Global Financial Crisis, writes Imogen Halstead: “The Asian Financial Crisis and the boom and bust ignited great...

Remaking the Economy and the Financial System

In the wake of the global financial crisis, a rethink of our ideas about money and interest is overdue, writes Shann Turnbull: “The financial system and the economy need to be remade if President...

Rethinking the role of financial regulators

In view of the Madoff scam, is it time to adjust our thinking towards our financial regulators, asks James Murray and Wilson Sy: Many people expect financial regulatory agencies (regulators) to protect them from...

You can see a lot by just looking: Understanding human judgement in financial decision-making | OCCASIONAL PAPER

In this paper CPD fellow Ian McAuley outlines the main implications of behavioural economics for financial decision-making, breaking down the myth that market participants are always rational decision-makers who act to maximise their own...

Ian McAuley examines the Australian economy for the Australian Collaboration

CDP fellow Ian McAuley surveys Australia’s economic structure, including an outline of some long-term and medium-term challenges for Australian economic policy in his Australian Economic Fact Sheet for the Australia Collaboration, a group of...

Obstacles to Social Investment

In the second of his series of three articles on investment in the disadvantaged, Robert Salter identifies some key obstacles to implementing the increased investment he advocated in April InSight. His third article, in...