Real world economics

Freeing public policy from the fiscal straightjacket

In this discussion paper for the Centre for Policy Development, Fred Argy demolishes the myths underpinning the bipartisan consensus falsely described as ‘fiscal conservatism’.

Australia’s Fiscal Straightjacket | OCCASIONAL PAPER

In his new discussion paper for the Centre for Policy Development, Fred Argy demolishes eight myths underpinning what currently passes for “fiscal conservatism” in Australia. The view that neither taxes nor public debt levels...

Unsustainable debt: Australia’s own subprime crisis

Australians are addicted to debt but we can’t afford to keep borrowing at current levels forever, according to a new report by Centre for Policy Development fellow Dr Steve Keen.


Australians are addicted to debt but we can’t afford to keep borrowing at current levels forever. ‘Deeper in Debt’ is CPD fellow Steve Keen‘s analysis of Australia’s looming crisis in housing affordability and private...

Who bears the risk? | OCCASIONAL PAPER

In a new discussion paper, ‘The Risk Society: social democracy in an uncertain world’, CPD fellow John Quiggin examines the role of government as the ultimate risk manager. He argues that risk will be...

The risk society

CPD fellow John Quiggin examines the role of government as the ultimate risk manager. He argues that risk will be the defining concept of the 21st century, the way that globalisation was for the...

Reality Check | 1-2pm Friday 27th April | Sydney

Join Ian Dunlop, Dr John Buchanan and Dr Steve Keen tomorrow from 1-2pm as they don their stethoscopes, diagnose the diseases and scribble out some prescriptions for lasting economic health. But will Australia’s political...

Debt Freedom Day Report 2007 | DISCUSSION PAPER

February 25th was Debt Freedom Day for 2007: the day Australia had earned enough income to fund the annual interest on its loans. The good news is that the day has finally arrived. The...


A viable economic strategy must be founded on a general disposition in favour of competitive markets, writes Michael Keating. But markets can be managed by governments in ways that increase the capacity of government...