New Matilda policy portal archive

Knowers and sayers need to get it together

The 2004 Tsunami exposed a deep rift between our scientists and our communicators, writes Leonard McDonnell. We need to find new ways of getting information out of the journals and into the broadsheets if...

Nuclear costs low-balled to keep it in energy debate

Dr Ben McNeil argues that if likely blow-outs in construction costs are taken into account, the Switowski report's figures on nuclear power no longer stack up.

Do unions have a future?

The Howard Government justifed its industrial relations legislation by arguing that it would improve productivity and create more jobs. Given that the main focus of WorkChoices was on de-unionising Australia’s workforce, the assumption behind...

Climate change policy: the ‘joined-up community’ approach

For any policy directed at climate change to be both successful and equitable, we will need to radically rethink how to involve citizens in the policy-making process, writes Dr Janette Hartz-Karp

Rudd lets industry policy out of the closet

Whether orthodox economists like it or not, Australia will always have an industry policy, writes Evan Jones. We need politicians who are willing to admit that fact in public.

Editorial: the TAAA principle

Policy Coordinator Miriam Lyons ties a ribbon around 2006 and rips open the wrapping on the Policy Portal’s plans for 2007.

A different kind of welfare reform

Philip Mendes explains why spending on social services has ballooned under a government that believes in letting people fend for themselves. He outlines an alternative vision for welfare reform that would give service recipients...

The Lily, the Pond, and the Recession We Can’t Avoid

When Australia wakes up from its debt binge the hangover won’t be pretty, predicts Steve Keen.

Austrians and Australian public ideas

Ian McAuley detects the influence of Polanyi – the other Austrian economist – in Kevin Rudd’s recent speech to the CIS.

Bronwyn’s no solutions report

Last week’s report on ‘Balancing Work and Family’ fails to address the inadequate supply of children’s services, which is undermining choice and leading to ever-rising costs, writes Eva Cox.