New Matilda policy portal archive

Policy Snapshots

This week’s picks: The cost of living: land and homes Blue denim in his veins Growing gaps: inequality in Canada and at home Uranium trade CFMEU on climate change PLUS: A certain corruption inquiry...

Quality education for all: state aid is still the issue

This week it was revealed that private schools are receiving around $2 billion more than they are entitled to under the SES model for private school funding. In the latest instalment of the Centre...

Costello in for a crude awakening

Peter Costello’s ‘energy super freeway’ won’t protect Australia from the coming oil crisis, writes Elliot Fishman.

Fertility and the other workforce crisis

There are limits to the amount of household work parents can outsource, says Paula Wright. If governments are worried about low fertility rates, they should start dealing with the workforce crisis in Australian homes.

The patient journey: unravelling the maze

John Menadue explains what needs to be done to put patients and the community at the centre of our health system.

The ex-premiers’ club: hold the gravy train

Kellie Tranter asks whether NSW politicians really deserve a lifelong ride on a taxpayer-funded gravy train. 

Enriching uranium could impoverish regional security

We need to look beyond the economic argument for enriching uranium, argues Marko Beljac, and consider the implications for nuclear non-proliferation and regional stability

What kind of Australia do we want?

Eva Cox explains what governments can do to appeal to the ‘better angels’ in human nature.

The fine art of environment policy

Environment policy making is an art, not a science, writes Kathleen Broderick. It’s time to move beyond paint-by-numbers and create great works of policy that will be admired by future generations.

Sustainability Reporting: How far have we come?

Both governments and corporations are guilty of using sustainability reporting as a marketing exercise rather than a tool for improving decision making, write Andrew Macintosh and Deb Wilkinson. We need to improve the quality,...