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One year after the Andaman Sea refugee crisis – is the region better prepared?

In May last year, the discovery of mass graves on the Thai-Malaysia border and stranding at sea of around 8,000 people fleeing Myanmar and Bangladesh cast the spotlight on the grave reality of forced migration in our...

Defence White Paper marks a step forward in climate security debate

After much deliberation and delay the Turnbull Government released its Defence White Paper on 25 February 2016. Initial reactions to the White Paper from security experts and the media focused on spending promises, new kit, increased arms...

We must not give up on Syrian peace talks

This piece was originally published by the ABC on 7 February 2016. It’s easy to be sceptical of political negotiations about Syria, especially when talks have already been suspended. But with patience and a herculean...

‘Unusual suspects challenging usual thinking on climate change’, Huffington Post, 27 November 2015

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” Twenty years ago Kevin Spacey uttered this famous line about his alter ego, Keyser Söz, in The Usual Suspects. Keyser Söz...

Bringing great ideas together | Thought Starters

Encouragingly, in recent days, the Turnbull Government (and ALP opposition) has put innovation at the forefront of policy thinking, after a period of hibernation. Collaboration has become a buzzword again, following a plethora of...

Educational opportunity in Australia – who succeeds and who misses out?

This critical question about our schools is the title of a new report commissioned by the Mitchell Institute. It is a thorough, timely and outstanding contribution to our understanding of disadvantage in schooling. The...

Ian McAuley reviews the Future Business Council’s new report “The next boom: a surprise new hope for Australia’s economy?”

What could be a more reasonable basis for public policy than striking a “balance” between protecting the economy and the environment? Our government must do something about climate change (we don’t want to look...

Travers McLeod: Does apathy to the political system among young people point to a crisis in Australian democracy? | Meanjin, Spring 2015

The good ship of democracy is entering into uncharted waters. A 2015 poll confirmed less than half of young Australians aged 18-29 think democracy is preferable to any other kind of government.  Earlier data...

Jennifer Doggett, Ian McAuley and John Menadue: No wonder we’re wasting money in health care – we got the incentives wrong

A recently-aired ABC Four Corners program aptly titled “Wasted” exposed three areas of unnecessary, ineffective and outright dangerous health interventions, in knee, spinal and heart surgery. The show’s host, Norman Swan, presumably extrapolating from...

Give schools an inch and they will give us back a mile | Thought Starters

Principal for a day: a policy wonk’s day out at Kensington Community High School If you’re like me and probably many other followers of Australian politics and policy-making, putting together the words ‘policy’ and...