CPD in the news

Legal action on climate is what we all want to avoid – CPD CEO Travers McLeod in the AFR

Efforts to understand climate risk within companies and across the economy are not about managing climate through the legal system, usurping the role of government, or forcing companies to go it alone on saving...

Step up? We’ve stepped aside by failing to sign migration pact | Op-ed | November 2018

Published in The Australian on 23 November 2018 “Step up or step aside.” This was former Indonesian foreign min­ister Hassan Wirajuda’s 2016 warning to Australia and Indonesia as co-chairs of the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking...

CPD climate work featured in 4Corners ‘Weather Alert’ report

Last night the ABC’s 4Corners program aired a special report about how Australian farmers, businesses and regulators are responding to climate change. CPD’s Sustainable Economy Program has been making the case for business leaders...

CPD Board member Sam Mostyn on the evolving role of company directors

Influential independent director and CPD Board Member Sam Mostyn delivered the  keynote at the Australian Institute of Company Directors’ 2018 Governance Summit on ‘’The evolving role of directors.” Full text of Sam Mostyn’s remarks...

Most Indigenous students consigned to schools with least capacity to help

CHRIS BONNOR published in The Guardian 19 February 2018 Layers are being created within and between Indigenous communities, making closing the gap ever more difficult We are now into the tenth anniversary of...

The vanishing private school – Chris Bonnor and Bernie Shepherd

CPD fellows Chris Bonnor and Bernie Shepherd have released a new analysis of public funding for private schools, calling for a new debate about whether this funding should come with the same obligations that govern the...

New US Secretary of Defence James Mattis and the lessons of history

When president-elect Donald Trump announced former general James Mattis as his pick for defence secretary, he described Mattis as “the closest thing” the US had to general George Patton. Patton led US forces in...

Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration – December update

The Secretariat and members of the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration (ADFM) have been busy since meeting in Kuala Lumpur in September 2016. After the New York Refugee Summits in September, the ADFM Secretariat...

Public policy and political amnesia – CPD in The Canberra Times

Earlier in 2016, CPD Policy Director Sam Hurley spoke at a NSW Fabian Society event on the theme of “reforming the public sector for a more equal society”. Sam’s remarks explored themes in findings...

CEO Travers McLeod calls for an integrated approach to foreign policy development

Our CEO Travers McLeod was invited to contribute a think-piece for the Australian Council for International Development’s October 2016 National Conference, entitled Australia Ahead of the Curve: An agenda for international development to 2025. ACFID asked...