CPD in the news

Levelling the education playing field – media coverage of our latest report

CPD’s latest report Uneven playing field: the state of Australia’s schools and its call for a revitalisation of the Gonski agenda for needs-based school funding attracted widespread attention and coverage. You can read and hear more...

CPD in Inside Story: fixing education and financing government in uncertain times

In recent weeks, Inside Story has featured long-form analysis from CPD on two policy issues that are crucial to the election campaign and for the long-term: the future of Australia’s education system, and the...

One year after the Andaman Sea refugee crisis – is the region better prepared?

In May last year, the discovery of mass graves on the Thai-Malaysia border and stranding at sea of around 8,000 people fleeing Myanmar and Bangladesh cast the spotlight on the grave reality of forced migration in our...

CPD Fellow Chris Bonnor on disadvantage in our school system

On Tuesday 29 March, CPD fellow Chris Bonnor and his research partner and co-author Bernie Shepherd released School Daze: What My School really says about our schools. Using data available through the My School website, School Daze is...

CPD welcomes Terry Moran AC as new Chairperson

Today CPD is delighted to announce that Terry Moran AC will become our new Chairperson. Terry brings unrivalled depth of experience in making long-term public policy for Australia. His record speaks for itself – not least...

CPD Fellow Ryan Goss talks to ABC News 24 about the same-sex marriage plebiscite

This week, ANU constitutional law expert and CPD fellow Ryan Goss spoke to ABC News 24 about the history of plebiscites in Australia, and the options available to the Government for its proposed vote on...

Battle of ideas is on as election-year innovation debate starts to make up for lost time

We’re now in a race to the top on innovation. Better late than never. Liberating ideas could reboot Australia’s economy, as we argued a year ago. Now it seems there are more ideas...

Travers McLeod: relaxing airstrike rules is a recipe for disaster | The Drum

Calls to relax targeting rules for airstrikes against Islamic State ignore the lessons of our recent past and the fact that a battle of ideas, not body counts, will determine this war, writes Travers...

‘Unusual suspects challenging usual thinking on climate change’, Huffington Post, 27 November 2015

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” Twenty years ago Kevin Spacey uttered this famous line about his alter ego, Keyser Söz, in The Usual Suspects. Keyser Söz...

‘Our Harbour Our Asset’ – report by CPD fellow Caroline Hoisington on the economic value of Sydney Harbour

In November the Sydney Institute of Marine Science released a report by CPD fellow Caroline Hoisington that begins the complex, yet important, process of assessing the economic value of the Sydney Harbour. Our Harbour Our Asset aims...