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Cities and Settlement

The Cities and Settlement Initiative (CSI) aims to improve the economic participation of refugees in Australia. Our analysis tells us this would deliver a triple dividend: benefiting vulnerable Australians; boosting the budget; and improving community cohesion. We seek better governance and coordination connected to partnerships and delivery at the local level. Our objectives include:

  • streamlining arrangements between federal, state and local governments;
  • developing place-based approaches to integrated service delivery that provides holistic support to the individual refugee and their family unit and improves economic participation
  • ensuring that work and English language education can be pursued in tandem
  • ensuring that the specific needs of refugee women are appropriately addressed
  • identifying best practice to be replicated and scaled; and
  • knitting more tightly together selected regional and capital cities and providers undertaking refugee settlement.

CSI is supported by the Myer Foundation and the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation and follows CPD’s February 2017 report, Settling Better: Reforming refugee employment and settlement services, released with the support of the Boston Consulting Group. Learn more about the initiative here.

Latest Articles

Annabel Brown at the Regional Refugee Settlement Forum

Georgia Wilkinson - October 2021

Program Director Annabel Brown’s closing remarks at the Regional Refugee Settlement Forum on October 12 2021. Thanks Margaret. It is a great pleasure to be here. I would like to...

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New CPD Blueprint for Regional and Community Job Deals

communications - September 2020

The Centre for Policy Development is making available a range of policy proposals and materials relating to the delivery of employment services in Australia.  These materials are representative of CPD’s...

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Putting Language In Place: Improving the Adult Migrant English Program

communications - August 2020

The Centre for Policy Development is pleased to announce the release of a new report, Putting Language In Place: Improving the Adult Migrant English Program. The Adult Migrant English Program...

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Cities and Settlement Knowledge Hub

communications - August 2020

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Cities and Settlement Knowledge Hub, an online resource for the settlement services sector, service providers, policy makers and other stakeholders. It’s a...

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Community Deals

communications - July 2020

What are Community Deals? Community Deals are a local place-based model aiming to boost economic and social participation. They are a genuine partnership between government, business and community that allow...

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