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Cities and Settlement Knowledge Hub

Welcome to CPD’s Knowledge Hub on good practice in boosting economic participation for refugees — an evolving collection of the best publicly available tools, frameworks, reports, strategies and more from Australia and around the world.

With this resource, you’ll be able to:

  • Find tools, frameworks and information that will help you harness good practice in your own work
  • Access evidence-based research to help you rethink economic participation for refugees
  • Explore local, state and federal government strategies for improving economic participation for refugees

We will keep updating this Hub with new developments and resources — if you have relevant contributions to suggest, please let us know by emailing us on

This Knowledge Hub forms one of the three pillars of CPD’s Cities and Settlement Initiative (CSI). CSI aims to improve economic participation for refugees in Australia. Our analysis tells us that this would deliver a triple dividend: benefiting vulnerable Australians; boosting the budget; and improving community cohesion. We seek better governance and coordination connected to partnerships and delivery at the local level to achieve this goal.




Literature & Reports

Reviews and Inquiries

Protected: CPD Projects

COVID-19 Resources

Refugee Stories

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Employment | Entrepreneurship | Gender | Language | Placed-based Initiatives | Social Participation