
Lisa Button

Lisa is currently working to develop new approaches to boosting refugee economic participation in Australia, including through place-based approaches and encouraging greater employer engagement. Her knowledge of the drivers and policy responses to forced migration in the region is also enriching the work of the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration. Lisa has extensive knowledge and experience in relation to domestic, regional and global policy in the areas of forced migration, refugee settlement and migrant labour exploitation/trafficking. She has worked in this field for around a decade both in Australia and South East Asia as a lawyer, researcher, policy advisor and advocate.  Lisa began her career as a commercial lawyer with a large Australian law firm, and lived and worked in Australia, Cambodia and Singapore for a number of years while working in the private sector. She later worked as a refugee and migration lawyer and advocate before obtaining a Masters in Public and International Law from the University of Melbourne. Prior to joining CPD, she worked with organisations including Save the Children Australia, the Human Rights Law Centre, Refugee Legal and Transient Workers Count Too (Singapore).