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Policy Papers

Insuring Australia’s marine future | OCCASIONAL PAPER | March 2013

Caroline Hoisington - March 2013

‘Marine protection insures against loss to environment and economy’ – CPD Marine economy fellow This report finds that Australia’s national network of marine parks will act as an insurance policy for commercial and recreational fishing Insuring Australia’s marine future looks at the increasing risks to Australia’s oceans, the growing evidence of the...

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Whatever happened to the Big Society? | OCCASIONAL PAPER | February 2015

Cameron Elliott - February 2013

Update and epilogue to the 2012 CPD report, Big Society and Australia Whatever happened to the Big Society? | CPD OP25 | C Elliott | Feb 2013 CPD Researcher Cameron Elliot has produced a progress report on results from the Big Society policy framework developed by David Cameron’s conservative UK government,...

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Valuing Skills: Why vocational training matters | OCCASIONAL PAPER

CPD - November 2012

New paper by CPD Research Director Christopher Stone Download Valuing Skills – Why vocational training matters paper In light of sweeping changes to vocational education and training (VET) provision in Victoria, and dramatic proposed cuts in Queensland, this new CPD paper studies the sector’s social and economic significance and asks...

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Farming smarter, not harder: securing our agricultural economy | LANDMARK REPORT

CPD - October 2012

Australia must invest in soil health or miss the benefits of the world food boom Download Farming Smarter, Not Harder report in full Read what we’re reading: Sustainable Economy media, links and resources Read what key stakeholders are saying about Farming Smarter, Not Harder  Read Ross Gittins on Australian farming in the...

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Zoning South Australia’s marine parks | OCCASIONAL PAPER

Caroline Hoisington - October 2012

CPD’s Marine Economy Fellow Caroline Hoisington has analysed the areas proposed for the creation of fully protected sanctuary zones in South Australia’s marine park network. The ecosystem service values covered by the new sanctuaries are conservatively estimated as being worth $20.69 million per year. Caroline notes that the sanctuaries are likely...

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Public works need public sector skills – the lost lessons of the BER program | OCCASIONAL PAPER

CPD - September 2012

Despite significant public attention over the last two years, the lessons of the Building the Education Revolution (BER) program remain poorly understood. While there were major differences between BER outcomes in different states, most media coverage failed to focus on the reasons why some states performed so much better than...

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Marine Reserves Reality Check | OCCASIONAL PAPER

Caroline Hoisington - September 2012

The economic cost of the Commonwealth Marine Reserve Network is small compared to its benefits. Wild claims of potential damage to fishing businesses are being made in the lead up to the final declaration of the Marine Reserve Network and the shape of its associated $100 million compensation package. These...

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Preserving our marine wealth | OCCASIONAL PAPER

CPD - June 2012

CPD’s analysis shows that the new National Marine Parks within the proposed Commonwealth Marine Reserves Network cover an area that provides $1.2 billion each year in ecosystem services which are not currently recognised in Australia’s economic accounts. The report, by CPD Fellow Caroline Hoisington and Research Director Laura Eadie, looks...

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Big Society | How the UK gov’t is dismantling the state and what it means for Australia | LANDMARK REPORT

James Whelan - May 2012

Download Big Society and Australia report (5mB .pdf) “Bush declared war on terror, Blair declared war on crime and it’s like Cameron has declared war on the public sector.” It’s just over two years since David Cameron was elected as British Prime Minister. Since his election, Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ policies that...

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Post Carbon Pathways? Necessary. Possible. Urgent | OCCASIONAL PAPER

CPD - March 2012

Around the world an increasing number of detailed policy road maps are demonstrating the possibility – as well as the necessity and urgency – of a rapid transition to a just and sustainable post carbon future. The Post Carbon Pathways report, jointly published by CPD and the Melbourne Sustainable Society...

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