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Policy Papers

Private Health Insurance: High in cost and low in equity | OCCASIONAL PAPER

John Menadue - January 2012

Government proposals to apply a means test to private health insurance subsidies have re-ignited the debate about the role of private insurance. Download the new CPD discussion paper ‘Private Health Insurance: High in cost and low in equity‘ In our present system the vast majority of subsidies disproportionately benefit the...

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Stocking Up: Securing Our Marine Economy | LANDMARK REPORT

CPD - September 2011

Introducing CPD’s first major Sustainable Economy Report: Our oceans are often out of sight, but that doesn’t mean they should be out of mind. Australia is surrounded by a vast wealth of oceans. We have the world’s third largest marine estate. We have the highest marine biodiversity in the world....

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A New Approach: Breaking the Stalemate on Refugees & Asylum Seekers | LANDMARK REPORT

Arja Keski-Nummi - August 2011

CPD has released A new approach: breaking the stalemate on refugees & asylum seekers, a report which comprehensively critiques Australia’s refugee and asylum policies and finds they are inhumane, ineffective and expensive. DOWNLOAD the full report here. Australia needs a circuit-breaker in our treatment of people seeking asylum from war and persecution....

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The State of the Australian Public Service: An Alternative Report | LANDMARK REPORT

CPD - August 2011

The Centre for Policy Development releases The State of the Australian Public Service: An Alternative Report, as part of our Public Service program. DOWNLOAD the report The State of the Australian Public Service. The report’s key findings include: a widening gap between the anti-public servant rhetoric of some politicians and commentators and...

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Beyond the Blunt Instrument: the Efficiency Dividend and its alternatives | OCCASIONAL PAPER

CPD - December 2010

Efficiency Dividend is inefficient: Danger of waste on the way to a surplus. Download ‘Beyond the Blunt Instrument: The Efficiency Dividend and its alternatives’ Jennifer Doggett’s paper from the Centre for Policy Development examines the flaws caused by blanket budget cuts and puts forward alternatives. The Efficiency Dividend – the main mechanism...

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Australia’s Green Economic Potential | OCCASIONAL PAPAER

Ben Eltham - August 2010

Australia’s Green Economic Potential – a CPD Briefing Paper   This briefing paper puts some of the issues covered in the United Nations Environment Program’s Green Economy Report in an Australian context and provides a primer to the challenges involved in transforming our economy to operate within environmental limits. It...

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Cooperation, Community and Climate Change | OCCASIONAL PAPER

Rob Salter - December 2009

Robert Salter argues that better relationships are the key to successful action on climate change.

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Putting Health in Local Hands | OCCASIONAL PAPER

Fiona Armstrong - November 2009

Armstrong, Woodruff, Legge and Wilson argue that the best way to overcome the entrenched inequities and blame-shifting in Australia's health system is to shift funding and power to regional health organisations.

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Medicare Select – Entrenching Inequality in Health Care? | DISCUSSION PAPER

Ian McAuley - October 2009

Ian McAuley and Peter Frank analyse the 'Medicare Select' proposal and find it wanting.

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Out of pocket: rethinking health copayments | OCCASIONAL PAPER

Jennifer Doggett - July 2009

Jennifer Doggett proposes a complete rethink of the way we pay for health care in the Centre for Policy Development's latest paper 'Out of Pocket'

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