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Policy Papers

The Carbon Disconnect: The transport infrastructure implications of Australia’s carbon reduction targets | DISCUSSION PAPER

James Slezak - March 2009

In this forthcoming research paper, CPD fellow James Slezak will explore the disconnect between Australia's CO2 reduction targets and its spending on transport infrastructure.

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Reforming Australia’s hidden welfare state: Tax expenditures as welfare for the rich | OCCASIONAL PAPER

Adam Stebbing - February 2009

One of Australia's least fair and least effective forms of public investment is still growing like topsy. In this paper for the Centre for Policy Development Dr Ben Spies-Butcher and Adam Stebbing uncover Australia's hidden welfare state.

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You can see a lot by just looking: Understanding human judgement in financial decision-making | OCCASIONAL PAPER

Ian McAuley - October 2008

In this paper CPD fellow Ian McAuley outlines the main implications of behavioural economics for financial decision-making, breaking down the myth that market participants are always rational decision-makers who act to maximise their own best interests.

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More than one health insurer is too many: the case for a single insurer | DISCUSSION PAPER

Ian McAuley - June 2008

CPD fellow Ian McAuley explores the intrinsic limitations of Australia's current private health insurance system and explains how a single national health insurer can overcome them. McAuley argues that a single national insurer is more likely to be able to contain moral hazard and deliver equitable health care at lower...

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Australia’s Fiscal Straightjacket | OCCASIONAL PAPER

Fred Argy - November 2007

In his new discussion paper for the Centre for Policy Development, Fred Argy demolishes eight myths underpinning what currently passes for "fiscal conservatism" in Australia. The view that neither taxes nor public debt levels should ever increase is lazy and timid policy, not good governance, writes Argy.

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Steve Keen - September 2007

Australians are addicted to debt but we can't afford to keep borrowing at current levels forever. 'Deeper in Debt' is CPD fellow Steve Keen's analysis of Australia's looming crisis in housing affordability and private debt.

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Who bears the risk? | OCCASIONAL PAPER

John Quiggin - July 2007

In a new discussion paper, ‘The Risk Society: social democracy in an uncertain world’, CPD fellow John Quiggin examines the role of government as the ultimate risk manager. He argues that risk will be the defining concept of the 21st century, the way that globalisation was for the 1990s.

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A New Approach to Primary Care for Australia | OCCASIONAL PAPER

Jennifer Doggett - June 2007

The best way to take the pressure off hospitals is to ensure that most people don't need to go there in the first place. In this new paper Jennifer Doggett explains how we can reorient Australia's health system towards primary and preventative care.

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A Health Policy for Australia: reclaiming universal care | DISCUSSION PAPER

CPD - April 2007

A Health Policy for Australia: reclaiming universal health care shows how we can restore universalism and increase both equity and efficiency in health care - at no additional cost to the taxpayer.

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Howard’s reforms and Australian values | DISCUSSION PAPER

Fred Argy - April 2007

This paper by Fred Argy discusses the impact of John Howard's WorkChoices and welfare-to-work agenda on workforce participation, productivity, equality, personal freedom and self-reliance - values highly prized by Australians. It then outlines an alternative social democratic agenda - one which mixes economic liberalism with active social intervention.

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