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Miriam Lyons on offshore processing | Radio National RN Drive 27 June 2012

Miriam Lyons was interviewed by Waleed Aly about the “pros and cons of offshore processing”. Miriam drew on research by John Menadue AO, Kate Gauthier and Arja Keski-Nummi for the 2011 report, A New...

Kate Gauthier | Both parties are all at sea on asylum policy

You’ve heard a lot about the asylum policy debate in the media. The Government announces a new policy. The opposition denounces any new policy. Talk back radio goes back and forth about the best...

We Are A Much Better Country Than This

Where are our community leaders — and not just our political leaders — when asylum seekers and refugees, the most vulnerable people on earth, are subject to such misinformation, prejudice, vilification and exploitation in...

Playing the Populist Card Again

John Menadue deplores the exploitation of our fear of the foreigner for political purposes and describes how, despite some progress in Australia’s treatment of refugees in recent years, the case for the humanitarian treatment...