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Big Society

Fiona Katauskas cartoon 'Justice' for CPD Big Society project

TDSA conference presentation | 24 July 2013

NFPs: Survive or Perish What’s driving your future? CPD’s public service research director Christopher Stone was a keynote speaker at the Transport Development & Solutions Alliance’s (TDSA) biennial conference earlier this year. The not for...

Fiona Katauskas cartoon: "do I have any volunteers?"

Whatever happened to the Big Society? | OCCASIONAL PAPER | February 2015

Update and epilogue to the 2012 CPD report, Big Society and Australia Whatever happened to the Big Society? | CPD OP25 | C Elliott | Feb 2013 CPD Researcher Cameron Elliot has produced a...

Lenore Taylor | Sydney Morning Herald, 18 August 2012

The pain behind the plan of Abbott’s Mr Fixit SMH National Affairs Correspondent interviews Big Society ‘architect’ Blond, drawing on CPD research Lenore Taylor’s interview with Phillip Blond investigated the failings of David Cameron’s...

Christopher Stone | 2Ser, Razor’s Edge, 14 July 2012

Big Society, small government Chris was interviewed by James Jooste, alongside Dr John Uhr, Director of the Centre for the Study of Australian Politics at ANU, on the motivation, rationale and likely outcomes of current...

ABC Radio National Late Night Live | James Whelan and Kevin Andrews

CPD public service program Research Director Dr James Whelan was interviewed by Philip Adams about his report, Big Society and Australia, while Shadow Minister for Families, Housing and Human Services commented on opposition plans...

Big Society and Australia | Brisbane Times letters page

CPD public service program Research Director Dr James Whelan’s report on the Big Society and Australia has sparked an informed debate in the Australian press – just as we hoped it would! Janice Creenaune of...

Phillip Blond, Niki Vincent, Nicholas Gruen and James Whelan | TACSI, Adelaide, 14 August

In conversation: Big Society and Australia The Australian Centre for Social Innovation, Level 1, 279 Flinders Street ADELAIDE, Tuesday 14 August, 5:30-7:30pm Register at Eventbrite – CPD Fellow James Whelan, former public service Research Director and...

James Whelan | ABC TV 730, Thursday 31 May 2012

In tonight’s episode of the 730 Report on ABC TV, just one day after the release of the CPD Big Society and Australia report, Centre for Policy Development public service program Research Director Dr James Whelan is interviewed, alongside...

James Whelan | From Big Society to good society, ABC Religion and Ethics

ABC Religion and Ethics published an original opinion piece by Dr James Whelan to mark the release of the new CPD report, Big Society and Australia. Entitled From Big Society to good society: Are...

Public Service Discussion | 6pm, 29 May, Melbourne

Following the release of our forthcoming ‘Big Society’ report in late May, we will host an informal networking event in Melbourne for subscribers who share our interest in the public sector and its role...