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Pile of Australian dollar coins


The 2023 Federal Budget delivers some key elements of long-term wellbeing for Australia and the region, but these must be accompanied by deeper systemic reforms to change the things that matter most to Australians. 

Radio National Drive budget special | 14 May 2013

Discussing the budget on Radio National Drive Jonathan Green hosts CPD’s Miriam Lyons and Dr John Hewson, former Liberal leader, with input from Paul Bloxham, Alison Carabine, Dr Cassandra Goldie, John Daley, John Connor and Innes Willox. “Treasurer...

John Baron, Miriam and John Hewson on The Drum, 14 May 2013

ABC The Drum budget special | 14 May 2013

Miriam Lyons, panellist… CPD’s Executive Director Miriam joined former Liberal leader Dr John Hewson and economic commentators to discuss what has been touted as Wayne Swan’s final budget. The Treasurer Wayne Swan has delivered...

ABC’s The Drum | 22 April 2013

Miriam Lyons, panellist. Julia Baird hosted a panel of CPD’s Miriam Lyons, Tim Wilson of the Institute of Public Affairs and Mike Seccombe from The Global Mail. The panel discussed budgetary policy, consideration the deficit,...

Insight | Budget 2011

CPD authors find a lot of blinkered thinking in the race to a surplus. Here’s what you will find in the Budget 2011 edition of InSight.

Assessing the Opposition

The Opposition is doing better in the polls lately, but is its actual performance improving? James Arvanitakis rates the Opposition’s performance on three policy challenges

Superannuation savings a small drop in the ocean: Ben Spies-Butcher

Labor’s proposed changes to superannuation are a small step in the right direction, explains CPD fellow Ben Spies-Butcher.

Cracking down on the private health insurance rebate should be just the beginning: Ian McAuley

Centre for Policy Development fellow Ian McAuley discusses the private health insurance rebate and why it bolsters the wealthy and penalises self-reliance.

Reforming Australia’s hidden welfare state: Tax expenditures as welfare for the rich | OCCASIONAL PAPER

One of Australia’s least fair and least effective forms of public investment is still growing like topsy. In this paper for the Centre for Policy Development Dr Ben Spies-Butcher and Adam Stebbing uncover Australia’s...