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Tree in canola field - © lonewolfshome/

Sustainable Economy | Farming Smarter, not Harder

New CPD report – out 1 November 2012 Assessing the economic value of risks to Australia’s soil and land assets, and recommending policies to maintain our competitive advantage as a net food exporter and...

Club of Rome | Change the Course

The Club of Rome “Limits to Growth” study was launched 40 years ago in March, and the Club has launched a major social media initiative built around the analogy of the Titanic disaster of...

Alexander White | Accommodating China’s carbon emissions

Alexander White tackles two issues that seem too hard for our political system to handle: China and climate change. China’s response to climate change has shaped the course of climate negotiations. They were accused...

Coming Waves: the new environmental refugees

Simon Meyer looks at the failure of the international community to recognise the problem of climate change refugees

Where to from here on climate change…

The CPD team reflect on better processes for making complex climate change decisions.

Difficult, but not diabolical

Miriam Lyons, CPD’s Executive Director, looks at the role of faith and visions of change in moving beyond our current impasse.

Cooperation, Community and Climate Change

Rob Salter reflects on the deeper implications of responding to climate change for the way we organise our society, in his new paper that explains why better relationships are the key to successful action...

Time to prepare for the One Degree War

Paul Gilding, climate activist and writer revisits a paper he co-wrote with Jorgen Randers, shouting out above the drone of the day to day political negotiations that what we are facing is nothing short...

The Australian Government is undermining climate action.

Mark Diesendorf, Deputy Director of the Institute of Environmental Studies, UNSW exposes the gap between rhetoric and reality in Rudd’s climate change policies.

Act now, or the planet pays later.

CPD Fellow, Ben Eltham asks, can the world really face up to the full challenge of climate change? Right now, he writes, you’d have to say no.