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Cutting Emissions isn’t just a feel good exercise

Ben McNeil has some ideas on cutting emissions and moving to clean technology

Defending Australia? More like boxing at shadows

Ben Eltham says that while we may have a new defence minister in John Faulkner, our thinking about defence is stuck in a bygone era

Crunchtime: Australia’s policy future

Who would have thought that three weeks ago when the International Monetary Fund was announcing its latest downward revisions of its forecasts for the impact of the global financial crisis that a two day...

It’s time to make sustainable economic ideas matter

Why a Sustainable Economy Research Program is needed Today’s economic policy makers are too strongly influenced by what they see in the rear-view mirror, often failing to anticipate the potholes and opportunities ahead. Not...

The Carbon Disconnect: The transport infrastructure implications of Australia’s carbon reduction targets | DISCUSSION PAPER

In this forthcoming research paper, CPD fellow James Slezak will explore the disconnect between Australia’s CO2 reduction targets and its spending on transport infrastructure.

Common Ground on climate change

Ahead of the release of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme White Paper this December, the Centre for Policy Development (CPD) thought there was a need to bring all sectors of the community together to...

Deep emissions cuts not so diabolical under Obama

Miriam Lyons took a look at what the election of Obama means for Australia in Crikey

Common Ground: climate change

The Centre for Policy Development brings you a Common Ground discussion on climate change with the topic ‘Australia should lead, not follow’. Join keynote speakers Bob Carr (former Premier, NSW), <Pru Goward (NSW Shadow...

Inclusion in Mark Diesendorf’s new book

Regina Betz and Iain MacGill’s case against carbon compensation is featured in Mark Diesendorf’s new book Climate Action. They make the case that good governance in a national Emissions Trading Scheme requires 100% auctioning.