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Is Australia’s Climate Policy Gender Literate?

In this article, Ariel Salleh explores the interrelation of gender and climate change.

Climate Change and Human Rights

HREOC President, the Honourable John von Doussa QC outlines the Commission’s findings on the social and human rights implications of climate change.

A Just Transition

A Just Transition to a clean, renewable energy economy is urgent – and possible, argues Geoff Evans.

Climate Action Network Australia Conference Panel: Can Business Lead on Climate Change?

CPD fellow Ian Dunlop was part of of a panel discussing the role of business in implementing climate change solutions at the 2008 CANA conference held in Sydney on 28 April.

Can the Rudd government be climate cleverer?

Mark Connelly suggests an alternative to the ‘Climate Clever’ campaign which might actually succeed in changing individual behaviour.

Energy efficiency: the smart way to cool the climate

Jane Castle argues that changes to the way Australia’s energy market works will make it easier to green our economy.

Climate change litigation – the heat is on

If it has taken governments so long to accept the reality of climate change, how long will it take them to agree on finding solutions? Will they look for the best way of tackling...

Climate change litigation: the heat is on

Kellie Tranter explains why Australian governments at all levels are in danger of being sued if they don’t act fast on climate change.

Resetting Australia’s cultural thermostat

Miriam Lyons asks what cultural traits would make Australia more resilient in the face of global change.

A 2020 vision of a feed in tariff for Australia

Voters, consumers and the planet are hungry for renewable energy: Danny Kennedy explains how to feed the renewables industry.