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A poster shows information about the G20 Seminar Series event

CPD G20 Seminar Series: Unlocking Innovative Financing Schemes and Islamic Finance to a Just Energy Transition

CPD G20 Seminar Series: Unlocking Innovative Financing Schemes and Islamic Finance to a Just Energy Transition in Emerging Economies In a G20 Seminar cohosted by the Centre for Policy Development, Climateworks and NGO partners...

Ian Dunlop

The Canberra Times | 31 May 2013

Politicians aren’t doing enough for climate change. Is it up to our business leaders? Current policies and climate targets will not be sufficient to avoid detrimental effects due to global warming. CPD fellow Ian...

Assembling Citizens For Climate Convergence

It’s not that citizen’s assemblies aren’t a good idea, writes Fiona Armstrong, but turning to the community to establish whether climate change is happening is an abdication of government responsibility