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Sophie Howe delivers the 2023 John Menadue Oration

Can a Wellbeing Economy Deliver? | John Menadue Oration by Sophie Howe | April 2023

As Australia pursues wellbeing in economic decision-making, the 2023 John Menadue Oration provided an audience with Sophie Howe, the inaugural Future Generations Commissioner of Wales.

Principles for an effective wellbeing budget

Principles for an Effective Wellbeing Budget is a briefing paper by the Centre for Policy Development’s Wellbeing Initiative. It builds on the research contained in the Redefining Progress report to articulate working principles for...

Raising the Bar Centre For Policy Development Header and Cover Image

Raising the Bar: Managing climate change risk in public authorities

Raising the Bar: Managing climate change risk in public authorities Raising the Bar: Managing Climate Change Risk in Public Authorities is a report from the Centre for Policy Development's Sustainable Economy Program. It recommends...

Starting Better Report - Centre for Policy Development

Starting Better – Centre for Policy Development

Starting Better: A Guarantee for Young Children and Families Starting Better: A guarantee for young children and families, is a major report from the Centre For Policy Development. It draws on extensive consultation and...

Sydney Morning Herald on false economies and the efficiency dividend | 2 January 2015

Gareth Hutchens discusses the efficiency of public service job cuts in Why this obsession with cutting public service jobs?, citing CPD’s False Economies report with approval: [It] will be a useful paper to revisit...

Christopher Stone headshot 2012

The Drum | 2 October 2013

Reducing the public sector Will Abbott’s cuts be costly? The claim that 12,000 jobs in the public service would go under an Abbott government was widely debated during the election. Greg Jericho at ABC’s The...

International public sector convention 2011 artwork

International public sector convention 2013 | Brisbane, 20–22 February

Innovation, Infrastructure, Inspiration 20–22 February 2013 | Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Queensland For more information visit CPD Research Director Christopher Stone will address this international conference on the topic of efficiency and the...

Public works need public sector skills – the lost lessons of the BER program | OCCASIONAL PAPER

Despite significant public attention over the last two years, the lessons of the Building the Education Revolution (BER) program remain poorly understood. While there were major differences between BER outcomes in different states, most...

Markus Mannheim | The Age, 4 September 2012

Public Sector Informant: How big is our government? Markus Mannheim analysed comments in The Australian last week by the head of the Business Council of Australia, Tony Shepherd, with reference to findings from an earlier CPD...

Phillip Blond, Niki Vincent, Nicholas Gruen and James Whelan | TACSI, Adelaide, 14 August

In conversation: Big Society and Australia The Australian Centre for Social Innovation, Level 1, 279 Flinders Street ADELAIDE, Tuesday 14 August, 5:30-7:30pm Register at Eventbrite – CPD Fellow James Whelan, former public service Research Director and...