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Serco: A case study in outsourcing community service delivery

Why Serco? Six years ago Serco was described as “probably the biggest company you’ve never heard of”[1] and this is still the case for many people. It’s a multinational corporation that specialises in providing...

Public Service Discussion | 6pm, 29 May, Melbourne

Following the release of our forthcoming ‘Big Society’ report in late May, we will host an informal networking event in Melbourne for subscribers who share our interest in the public sector and its role...

The State of the Australian Public Service: An Alternative Report | LANDMARK REPORT

The Centre for Policy Development releases The State of the Australian Public Service: An Alternative Report, as part of our Public Service program. DOWNLOAD the report The State of the Australian Public Service. The report’s key...

James Whelan | Public Opinion Pro Public Service

Public Servants: lazy bureaucratic fat cats or necessary to achieve “ambitious goals for a richer, fairer and greener Australia” (Kim Carr)? Recent CPD research has returned some surprising results regarding attitudes towards the public service...

James Whelan & Jennifer Doggett | Bean Counting is Compromising our Public Services

Can arbitrary cuts under the guise of efficiency deliver a better public service? James Whelan & Jennifer Doggett take a look at the political and policy failure that is the Efficiency Dividend.What will these continued...

Chris Bonnor | How My School caught up with the schools funding review

In our final piece in our big ideas series on ABC’s The Drum Unleashed, Chris Bonnor takes a look at another controversial start to the school year. Will the funding change now that the...

Chris Bonnor | Dangers of classroom apartheid

As the school year begins, Chris Bonnor asks will the Review of Funding for Schooling bring to a close the 50-year misadventure in how we provide and resource schools? Read his essay in the...

Beyond the Blunt Instrument: the Efficiency Dividend and its alternatives | OCCASIONAL PAPER

Efficiency Dividend is inefficient: Danger of waste on the way to a surplus. Download ‘Beyond the Blunt Instrument: The Efficiency Dividend and its alternatives’ Jennifer Doggett’s paper from the Centre for Policy Development examines the flaws...

Take health governance out of politician’s hands

John Menadue AO identifies a lack of political will as the essence of the problem for governments facing health care reform. The solution is governance reform that puts a permanent independent Australian Health Commission...

Health Reform, Governance and Political Will: Governance is about how power is managed

John Menadue AO identifies a lack of political will as the essence of the problem for governments facing health care reform. The solution is governance reform that puts a permanent independent Australian Health Commission...