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Your Local or mine?

Fiona Armstrong looks at the diverse meanings being given to the word ‘local’ in the current health debate, and explains the need for all health care services (not just hospitals) to be linked or...

Taking the pain out of patients’ hip pockets

Jennifer Doggett puts the spotlight on a significant gap in the health reform debate – the growing proportion of health funding that comes directly from patient’s pockets, as co-payments or out of pocket expenses.

Comments on Kevin Rudd’s Hospitals Statement

John Menadue AO, founder of the Centre for Policy Development, responds to the Government’s National Health and Hospitals Network announcement.

A New Approach to Primary Care for Australia | OCCASIONAL PAPER

The best way to take the pressure off hospitals is to ensure that most people don’t need to go there in the first place. In this new paper Jennifer Doggett explains how we can...