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Picture of two men speaking at an event in front of a blue backdrop featuring traditional Balinese architecture. One man wears a suit and tie, the other a batik shirt.

ASEAN Energy Business Forum

The ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF), was held in Bali on 25 August 2023. The Centre for Policy Development produced an event at the forum titled Investing in Energy Transition in Indonesia: Bridging the...

A poster shows information about the G20 Seminar Series event

CPD G20 Seminar Series: Unlocking Innovative Financing Schemes and Islamic Finance to a Just Energy Transition

CPD G20 Seminar Series: Unlocking Innovative Financing Schemes and Islamic Finance to a Just Energy Transition in Emerging Economies In a G20 Seminar cohosted by the Centre for Policy Development, Climateworks and NGO partners...

Motivating Residential Energy Conservation

CPD fellow Mark Connelly reviews the Rudd Government’s performance on residential energy conservation: Under the recommendations of the Garnaut Climate Change Review, residential electricity prices are projected to rise by 21 to 31 per...

Inclusion in Mark Diesendorf’s new book

Regina Betz and Iain MacGill’s case against carbon compensation is featured in Mark Diesendorf’s new book Climate Action. They make the case that good governance in a national Emissions Trading Scheme requires 100% auctioning.

Fencing Wire and Mirrors: the World of the National Energy System

Gavan McDonell untangles the history and politics of Australia’s National Energy Market.

Emissions Trading: Good Governance Requires 100% Auctioning

In advance of the Garnaut Review’s final report, Iain McGill and Regina Betz argue that the introduction of a national Emissions Trading Scheme should see all permits auctioned rather than given away to industry.

Carbon Markets in the Laboratory

Andrew Reeson and Karel Nolles examine how experimental economics can inform carbon market design.

Energy efficiency: the smart way to cool the climate

Jane Castle argues that changes to the way Australia’s energy market works will make it easier to green our economy.

Global warming and the case for a coal tax

Australia can outpace the Kyoto process without having to go it alone, writes John Perkins.

Towards a realistic climate change policy

The Emissions Trading Task Group is a creature of another age – an age before we knew just how seriously our activities were jeapardising the climate. Former senior oil & coal industry executive Ian...