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Qantas sale: flying blind into turbulent times

The threat of climate change and the sale of Qantas have sat cheek-by-jowl on the business pages in recent weeks – but no one has spotted the link between the two. Former head of...

Nuclear costs low-balled to keep it in energy debate

Dr Ben McNeil argues that if likely blow-outs in construction costs are taken into account, the Switowski report's figures on nuclear power no longer stack up.

The Switkowski report: opportunity knocks?

The Switkowski report showed that it would take a serious attempt to cut CO2 emissions to make nuclear power viable. Ted Pritchard argues that this is exactly what Australia needs.

Power to the market

If nuclear power is the answer to climate change, says Paul Gilding, let it fend for itself without government subsidies. If we put a price on carbon emissions we can leave the market to...

TINA or Greener

Neale Towart turns the ‘'greens cost jobs'’ slogan on its head with a call for investment in the high-employment renewable energy industry. Towart argues that our current carbon-based economy cannot keep expanding forever, and...

Delusions of Power: Levelling the Playing Field for Nuclear Energy

Peter Christoff responds to the Nuclear Options Paper prepared by John Morris and other eminent scientists. 'Its 'climate effects' would come too late, would be slight and very temporary at best, and would leave...

Why Australia should not sign the Kyoto protocol

Paul Fritjers 'Holding all else constant, Australia would increase its agricultural production significantly. Add to that the likely benefits of more rainfall and the fact that Australia stands to lose little from sea level...

Our greatest addiction

Daniel Donahoo Suggests that some serious decisions have to made if we accept that in fifty or a hundred years time we will not have the energy reserves to run the petrol driven vehicles...