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National Sustainable Food Summit webinar | Online

CPD input to food industry thinking Replay Laura Eadie’s webinar here Check out the 2013 National Sustainable Food Summit here CPD Research Director Laura Eadie presented an online webinar to the 3 Pillars knowledge...

Tree in canola field - © lonewolfshome/

Sustainable Economy | Farming Smarter, not Harder

New CPD report – out 1 November 2012 Assessing the economic value of risks to Australia’s soil and land assets, and recommending policies to maintain our competitive advantage as a net food exporter and...

Dr Gunter Pauli | ABC Radio National Big Ideas

Gunter Pauli’s goal is to create jobs, achieve multiple benefits and add value to underperforming assets. All with zero emissions and zero waste. Think he’s a dreamer? Think again. ABC’s Radio National program Big Ideas rebroadcasts...

The value of nature & the nature of value | Pavan Sukhdev

Pavan Sukhdev, an economist and head of the UN Green Economy Initiative, was in Australia as a guest of the Centre for Policy Development in August 2010 to give three public lectures in Sydney,...

Common Ground: climate change

The Centre for Policy Development brings you a Common Ground discussion on climate change with the topic ‘Australia should lead, not follow’. Join keynote speakers Bob Carr (former Premier, NSW), <Pru Goward (NSW Shadow...

Time for a Coherent Forest Policy – Finally

What can the Commonwealth do to protect Australia’s forests, asks Judith Ajani: Australia is sitting pretty with plantations making possible native forest protection for immediate and significant reductions in our net greenhouse gas emissions....

5 ideas in 5 minutes

In this month’s 5 ideas in 5 minutes, Daniel Frank looks at innovative thinking to combat climate change: the Electric Car │Freecycle │Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa │Decentralised Energy │ the Shadow...

Energy Security: The Real Story on Fossil Fuels

Ian Dunlop, CPD fellow, well-known peak oil commentator and former fossil fuel scientist will speak at the second session of the Engery Securities series at Riverside Theatre, Parramatta, Sydney on June 19, 2008.

Can the Rudd government be climate cleverer?

Mark Connelly suggests an alternative to the ‘Climate Clever’ campaign which might actually succeed in changing individual behaviour.

Energy efficiency: the smart way to cool the climate

Jane Castle argues that changes to the way Australia’s energy market works will make it easier to green our economy.