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Sydney Morning Herald on false economies and the efficiency dividend | 2 January 2015

Gareth Hutchens discusses the efficiency of public service job cuts in Why this obsession with cutting public service jobs?, citing CPD’s False Economies report with approval: [It] will be a useful paper to revisit...

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The Conversation | 12 November 2013

Australia’s public sector compares extremely well internationally Are we getting the best “bang for our bucks”? Christopher Stone, CPD research director recently released report False economies part 3: Bang for our bucks providing an overview in The...


Macro Business | 11 November 2013

Australia’s very efficient public service Recent report False economies part 3: Bang for our bucks gives a clear indication that Australia performs well in terms of public sector efficiency when compared with other nations. Christopher...


The Lamp | October 2013

How ‘efficient’ are cuts to public service? Often the term efficiency is used to mean cuts, but when cuts start costing as much as they saves there is no efficiency. CPD’s research director Christopher...

Decoding efficiency infograph

Secure Jobs in a Green Future conference |

 Public service research director addresses employment issues National Conference 2013 Secure Jobs in a Green Future AUSTRALIAN LEFT RENEWAL CONFERENCE WEEKEND APRIL 6-7, 2013, UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SYDNEY BUILDING A STRONGER LEFT | UNITING...