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Fellows Chris Bonnor and Bernie Shepherd discuss NAPLAN results and education reform

The NAPLAN test results have been released and the annual contest over interpreting the performance of our school kids has begun. The results demonstrate a national performance plateauing in reading, writing and numeracy and...

CPD researcher Ali Sutton on ABC TV’s Planet America

As the Australian election drew to a close and the long US election season started to ramp up, CPD was fortunate to be joined by Ali Sutton, a political campaigner and social policy expert...

Ian McAuley: Private health insurance and public policy

Today CPD Fellow Ian McAuley delivered a presentation to the 2016 Health Insurance Summit on the subject of private health insurance and its impact on broader public health and policy outcomes in Australia. In...

Voters were doubly disillusioned – Travers McLeod and Mark Triffitt

On Saturday, Australia’s political system crossed a line. From the normal messiness of democracy into fragmented incoherence. From voter unrest to potential revolt. The implications are clear: instability is no longer a one-off in...

On tour in New Zealand talking public sector capability

During the week of Monday 20th June, Rob Sturrock (Policy Director) was in Wellington, New Zealand discussing the findings of Grand Alibis: How Declining Public Sector Capability Affects Services for the Disadvantaged, which he co-authored, and examining...

Support CPD’s “$20 in 2016” appeal!

Click here to help us remain a laboratory for long-term policy development  Our end of financial year appeal comes at a very uncertain time in Australian politics. Slogans and...

Levelling the education playing field – media coverage of our latest report

CPD’s latest report Uneven playing field: the state of Australia’s schools and its call for a revitalisation of the Gonski agenda for needs-based school funding attracted widespread attention and coverage. You can read and hear more...

CPD in Inside Story: fixing education and financing government in uncertain times

In recent weeks, Inside Story has featured long-form analysis from CPD on two policy issues that are crucial to the election campaign and for the long-term: the future of Australia’s education system, and the...

Uneven playing field: the state of Australia’s schools | REPORT | June 2016

Education is at once the great social mobiliser and the great leveller in our society. Educated citizens are safeguards in our democracy, and an educated workforce is vital to a productive, innovative and entrepreneurial...

One year after the Andaman Sea refugee crisis – is the region better prepared?

In May last year, the discovery of mass graves on the Thai-Malaysia border and stranding at sea of around 8,000 people fleeing Myanmar and Bangladesh cast the spotlight on the grave reality of forced migration in our...