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Implications of a changing climate: latest insights from CPD staff and fellows

COP21 convenes at a critical point in climate science and policy. By Christmas, the world passes the 1C temperature increase –  half way towards the scientifically-accepted threshold of 2C by the end of the...

Travers McLeod: relaxing airstrike rules is a recipe for disaster | The Drum

Calls to relax targeting rules for airstrikes against Islamic State ignore the lessons of our recent past and the fact that a battle of ideas, not body counts, will determine this war, writes Travers...

‘Unusual suspects challenging usual thinking on climate change’, Huffington Post, 27 November 2015

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” Twenty years ago Kevin Spacey uttered this famous line about his alter ego, Keyser Söz, in The Usual Suspects. Keyser Söz...

‘Our Harbour Our Asset’ – report by CPD fellow Caroline Hoisington on the economic value of Sydney Harbour

In November the Sydney Institute of Marine Science released a report by CPD fellow Caroline Hoisington that begins the complex, yet important, process of assessing the economic value of the Sydney Harbour. Our Harbour Our Asset aims...

Menadue and Keating’s new book Fairness, Opportunity and Security: Filling the Policy Vacuum

CPD founder and fellow John Menadue and former Deputy Secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet Michael Keating launched their new book Fairness, Opportunity and Security: Filling the Policy Vacuum. This book...

Bringing great ideas together | Thought Starters

Encouragingly, in recent days, the Turnbull Government (and ALP opposition) has put innovation at the forefront of policy thinking, after a period of hibernation. Collaboration has become a buzzword again, following a plethora of...

Educational opportunity in Australia – who succeeds and who misses out?

This critical question about our schools is the title of a new report commissioned by the Mitchell Institute. It is a thorough, timely and outstanding contribution to our understanding of disadvantage in schooling. The...

Ian McAuley reviews the Future Business Council’s new report “The next boom: a surprise new hope for Australia’s economy?”

What could be a more reasonable basis for public policy than striking a “balance” between protecting the economy and the environment? Our government must do something about climate change (we don’t want to look...

CPD roundtable with Ross Garnaut, Robyn Eckersley and Fergus Green on the path to, and beyond, COP21

On 21 October, CPD was delighted to convene a roundtable between some of Australia’s leading climate policy experts to discuss the state of play as we head towards the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP21). The roundtable...

The Two Admirals: rare insight from world experts on climate security

CPD’s report The Longest Conflict highlighted the significant impacts that a changing climate will have on Australia’s human security, including how it will affect our defence force and its ability to respond to scenarios at home and...