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Starting Better Report - Centre for Policy Development

Starting Better – Centre for Policy Development

Starting Better: A Guarantee for Young Children and Families Starting Better: A guarantee for young children and families, is a major report from the Centre For Policy Development. It draws on extensive consultation and...

Crikey Independent media independent minds

Crikey | 6 August 2013

‘Six policies we won’t be seeing this election campaign’… Will important health issues be on the agenda? Jennifer Doggett, CPD fellow and author of the chapter ‘Getting better: Prescriptions for a holistic health system’ in...

Ian McAuley

Inside Story | 12 July 2013

Do we need private health insurance? The most efficient and fairest option is a single national insurer. Ian McAuley, CPDfellow and Adjunct Lecturer in public sector finance at the University of Canberra, discusses the relevance...

Jennifer Doggett & Ian McAuley | Mending patchwork reform for dental health

CPD Fellows argue for more inclusive, comprehensive dental reform to cover the most vulnerable  While the government’s $4bn dental health reform package has the potential to reduce waiting lists and encourage early intervention, it...

John Menadue’s searing critique of rural health

CPD’s John Menadue was recently invited to speak at the 11th National Rural Health Conference, held in Perth in March 2011. One in three Australian live in rural and remote Australia but they are...

John Menadue | Presentation at 11th National Rural Health Conference

CPD’s John Menadue was recently invited to speak at the 11th National Rural Health Conference, held in Perth in March 2011. Here is an edited version of John Menadue’s speaking notes: There are systemic problems...

Shock Tactics

Are the ads made by John Singleton attacking the ALP’s health record telling the whole story? Jennifer Doggett tunes in

Hang On – Are Local Hospital Boards Really A Good Idea?

The Coalition released its health and hospitals package today, including a pledge to establish local hospital boards. Before the paperwork stacks up too high, Jennifer Doggett has a closer look at the policy

Rudd’s Health Reforms: More Politics than Policy

Jennifer Doggett considers that the significance of the COAG meeting on health reform needs to be seen in terms of politics, rather than policy.

Rudd’s destructive intervention

Jeff Richardson provides an alternative response to the National Health and Hospitals Network announcement with concerns about the Commonwealth creating a health monopoly