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PromiseWatch 2013: Industrial relations

9. Industrial relations policy… Published in partnership with Crikey, the PromiseWatch 2013 series captures snapshots of the major parties’ platforms in key policy areas. The mild industrial relations promises laid down by Tony Abbott and Eric...

Talk. Think. Drink. | 24 July 2012

‘Taking on a Killer Company’ : James Hardie Presented by Centre for Policy Development and Essential Media Communications Venue: The Civic Hotel, 388 Pitt Street, Sydney Date:  Tuesday 24th July, 6pm for 6.30pm – until 8pm...

Productivity – a dead end?

Ian McAuley argues that WorkChoices is likely to have a negative impact on productivity: "If labour is cheaper to employ there will be less incentive for firms to ensure workers are employed productively."

Howard’s reforms and Australian values | DISCUSSION PAPER

This paper by Fred Argy discusses the impact of John Howard’s WorkChoices and welfare-to-work agenda on workforce participation, productivity, equality, personal freedom and self-reliance – values highly prized by Australians. It then outlines an...

DISCUSSION PAPER: Do unions have a future?

In this discussion paper Max Ogden outlines the valuable role unions can play in improving business management and productivity, and argues that any strategy for reviving Australia’s union movement needs to include plans to...

Reforming Australian Industrial Relations

In his 2006 Foenander lecture, Joe Isaac outlined the requirements of economically efficient and socially fair IR system.

ACTU Accentuates the Positive

Rob Durbridge reports on the ACTU’s new push for an IR policy based on ‘good faith’ collective bargaining

Dual prisms of rights and fairness: IR Vision 2015

The passage of the WorkChoices amendments to the Workplace Relations Act through the Senate in December 2005 was a major turning point, not simply the unfolding of a process of change which commenced 20...

What constitutes a fair industrial system?

The current Australian industrial system has evolved from societal and constitutional acknowledgements of the conflicting interests of workforce participants and their collective organisations and the establishment of a quasi-judicial regulatory process. The provision in...

Industrial relations changes – a further descent

Australian society is one of monumental self delusion. In public discourse, we congratulate ourselves for our ‘fair-go’ dealings with each other. Our alleged egalitarianism and ‘mateship’ is perpetuated by the mass media as a...