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5 ideas in 5 minutes

In this month’s 5 ideas in 5 minutes, Daniel Frank gathers new thinking on transport in cities: Velib │ Public Transport funded by Fuel Tax │ Dynamic Kerbside Pricing │ Transport Innovation Fund │...

Affordable Housing through Leasehold Title?

Barbara Coombs argues that many people are stuck between the high costs of home ownership and the insecurity of renting. A third option, residential leasehold title, could provide the best of both worlds for...

Sprawl: natural and democratic?

Robert Bruegmann’s drive-by analysis of urban sprawl leaves healthy, sustainable suburbs stranded on the curb, writes Gabrielle Kuiper.

Snapshots of Integrated Transport and Land Use Planning in Canada

Gabrielle Kuiper showcases five inspiring examples which demonstrate how good urban planning can reduce car use and urban sprawl.

Australian Transport Planners Asleep at the Wheel

As the negative impacts of car-dependence becomes increasingly obvious, transport planners need to count not just the costs but also the enefits of investing in sustainable alternatives, writes Elliot Fishman

Reinvesting in Our Suburbs: A role for the Commonwealth Government?

Australia'’s suburbs face a transport crisis and the Federal Government is doing little to help, writes Chris Anderson

Vancouverism — ideas for Australian cities?

Vancouver's approach to urban planning could point the way to more liveable cities in Australia, writes Gabrielle Kuiper

Tradable Car Permits — One Way to Tackle Congestion in Our Cities

Roads in Australia's major cities are becoming increasingly congested. The latest ABS data shows that between 2001 and 2005, the number of registered motor vehicles grew by 17 per cent in Queensland, 12 per...

Liveable cities and active transport

While Australian mythology resides in the bush, most Australian people live in cities. Decisions governments make about transport and urban planning therefore have a significant impact on people's lives and quality of life. For...