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Laura Eadie | Why smarter fishing could be worth billions

CPD researcher Laura Eadie talks to Domenica Settle from Earth Matters on 3CR Community Radio on her findings from the Stocking Up report on our marine economy. In this podcast Laura discusses why smarter fishing...

Laura Eadie | ABC Local Radio Newcastle

CPD researcher Laura Eadie appeared on ABC 1233 Newcastle Local Radio this morning – interviewed by Jill Emberson –  talking about Australia’s future sustainable economy and the increasing recognition of climate change in Australian...

Laura Eadie | Time to Value Ocean Carbon Riches

Australia has the largest coverage of sea grass habitats in the world, storing 10 to 40 times the carbon of equivalent hectares of forest. Our marine estate captures at least $15.8 billion per year...

Protection Vital to Securing Our Marine Wealth | Miriam Lyons & Laura Eadie

Australia is surrounded by a vast wealth of oceans. More than 70 per cent of our territory lies under water – the third largest and most biodiverse marine estate in the world. So far...

Tim Marshall | Australia’s oceans need to be promoted in economic terms

Following the release of CPD’s research paper, Stocking Up: Securing our Marine Economy, Sustainable Economy Research Director Laura Eadie was interviewed by ABC Rural host Tim Marshall. The worth of Australia’s ocean resources, is grossly...

The People’s Daily | Australia Puts Price on Dying Oceans

Our research on our ocean wealth makes it all the way to China – The People’s Daily reports on CPD’s research paper Stocking Up: Securing our Marine Economy, emphasising its implications for Australia’s carbon...

ABC Rural | Report Says Ocean Resources are ‘Undervalued’ in the Economy

Following CPD’s recently released report, Stocking Up, Securing Our Marine Economy, ABC Rural reports on the undervaluing of Australia’s marine resources. While official accounts currently recognise only $44 billion in value, overlooking the extra value...

NineMSN | Call for more marine parks

NineMSN has covered the release of our new report on the economic value of Australia’s marine estate.  The report,  Stocking Up: Securing Our Marine Economy (available for Download here). Stocking Up offers a new...

GreenTimes | Environmental News You Shouldn’t Miss

Independent media outlet GreenTimes helps raise awareness for our recent report, Stocking Up: Securing Our Marine Economy (available for Download here).   GreenTimes – What price nature? When it comes to adding up the ecological...

AllVoices | Marine Survey Uncovers a Deep Sea Treasure Trove

Independent online media outlet AllVoices covers the release of our latest report on the economic value of Australia’s marine estate.  The report entitled; Stocking Up: Securing Our Marine Economy (available for download here). Our report...