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MEDIA RELEASE: Climate risk regime can make Australia part of the solution

The announcement of moves towards a clear and uniform taxonomy for climate risk and opportunity for Australian corporate and financial institutions is a vital and necessary step towards an orderly climate transition. 

MEDIA RELEASE: CPD Welcomes Joint Commitment to Transform Early Education

Australian public authority directors should prioritise climate risk  New research from the Centre for Policy Development finds directors of public authorities are behind private counterparts on assessing, disclosing, and managing climate change risks Of...

MEDIA RELEASE: CPD Welcomes Joint Commitment to Transform Early Education

CPD Welcomes Joint Commitment to Transform Early Education Announcements are a critical, long-term commitment to improve outcomes for children and families across New South Wales and Victoria Demonstrates the opportunity and importance of collaboration...

MEDIA RELEASE: CPD Welcomes NSW Government Investment in Early Childhood as National Reform Consensus Gathers Momentum

Announcement indicates emerging consensus on the importance, scale and collaborative nature of early childhood reform  Precedes NSW Ministerial participation in June Early Childhood Development Council Investments reflect the aims of CPD’s 2021 Starting Better...

Australian Policy Online logo

Australian Policy Online | May 2013

Going solar: renewing Australia’s electricity options Australian Policy Online (APO) is a research database and alert service from Swinburne University, which provides free access to research reports, statistics and other resources. APO captured the latest landmark...

refugee facts image

Refugeefacts—media handbook | The truth about refugees & asylum seekers

New CPD online media resource addresses misinformation. Experts in this complex field of refugee and immigration policy, CPD fellows John Menadue, Arja Keski-Nummi and Kate Gauthier collaborated on a unique online media resource, which...

Farming smarter not harder to profit from food boom | ABC Radio, 1 Nov

ABC Radio ‘AM’ program features new CPD report on ABC RN and ABC Local stations CPD Sustainable Economy  Research Director Laura Eadie joined Tony Eastley, Sarah Clarke and beef farmer Rod Hoare on ABC Radio...

James Whelan | From Big Society to good society, ABC Religion and Ethics

ABC Religion and Ethics published an original opinion piece by Dr James Whelan to mark the release of the new CPD report, Big Society and Australia. Entitled From Big Society to good society: Are...

From culture war to cultural democracy: it’s your ABC

Tony Moore provides a credible option for ending the terms of partisan appointments to the ABC board, and shows how we can rescue the public broadcasting debate from the culture wars.

International Metropolis conference workshop: Multiculturalism vs plural monoculturalism

CPD Director Miriam Lyons and fellow Emma Dawson will join international researchers to present a workshop titled Narratives of Inclusion: Multiculturalism versus Plural Monoculturalism in Liberal Democracies at the 12th International Metropolis Conference on...