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The Canberra Times | 14 September 2013

Political disaffection Single-issue party success stems from electoral processes AND voters’ opinions In an article from The Canberra Times Crispin Hull discusses research by Ian McAuley that found a correlation between low education and a...


The Drum | 18 July 2013

Kevin Rudd announces plans to tighten borders… Harsher rules on ‘economic migrants’, review of refugee convention and regional cooperation. Miriam Lyons, executive director of CPD, joins the panel on the Drum with Katharine Murphy,...

RN jonathan green1

Radio National Outsiders | 14 July 2013

Political campaigns, climate change and Labor reforms. Jonathan Green hosted a panel comprising CPD’s executive director Miriam Lyons, marketing strategist Toby Ralph and researcher, writer and policy consultant Bronwyn Hinz. The coalition has launched ads attacking Kevin Rudd’s...

Q&A w Miriam Lyons

ABC TV Q&A | 8 July 2013

Reforms, Solutions & Compromise.  CPD executive director Miriam Lyons weighs in on ABC’s latest Q&A. Tony Jones hosts Shadow Minister Malcolm Turnbull, the new Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, writer and comedian Corinne Grant, editorial cartoonist for...

Northside Forum logo

Northside Forum | Sydney, 6 July

WASH, RINSE, SPIN! Key political issues of the day without the spin…  Election 2013 – hung out to dry? Sydney discussion addressing key factors in election 2013 features CPD fellow Eva Cox and CPD research director...

ABC’s The Drum | 22 April 2013

Miriam Lyons, panellist. Julia Baird hosted a panel of CPD’s Miriam Lyons, Tim Wilson of the Institute of Public Affairs and Mike Seccombe from The Global Mail. The panel discussed budgetary policy, consideration the deficit,...

Miriam Lyons on The Nation

Sky News, The Nation & Radio National, Outsiders | April 2013

Miriam Lyons joins discussion on The Nation  David Speers heads up talks on current political issues including foreign policy, superannuation, carbon tax  and 457 Visas, with insights from the think tank’s Executive Director. Watch...

Steve Kinnane, Kerry Chikarovski and Miriam Lyons on ABC The Drum, 1 Nov 2012

Miriam Lyons | ABC The Drum, panellist, 1 November 2012

CPD Executive Director, guest panellist on The Drum Miriam Lyons (CPD), Kerry Chikarovski (Liberal Party) and Kathryn Murphy (The Age), hosted by Steve Cannane Miriam was able to use the platform to raise the...

Lindy Edwards | The Passion of Politics | Sydney, 18 October 2012

Catalyst Book Launch | 18 October, Sydney 6:00 drinks for 6:30pm start, 18 Oct, Atrium, Trades Hall, 4 Goulburn St, Sydney RSVP Essential: Join Catalyst for the launch of CPD fellow Lindy Edwards’...

Is neoliberalism withering? Weighing up the progressive future

Mark Davis questions the future of neoliberalism with some lessons for the new progressive politics.