Economic modelling of Australia’s emissions reductions pathways – Climate Change Authority Submission
Economic modelling of Australia’s emissions reductions pathways is a submission by the Centre for Policy Development to the Climate Change Authority’s consultation on this topic.
Government leadership on net zero briefing note
The Government Leadership on Net Zero briefing sets out three key dimensions of leadership: Ambition, Innovation and Honesty
Raising the Bar: Managing climate change risk in public authorities
Raising the Bar: Managing climate change risk in public authorities Raising the Bar: Managing Climate Change Risk in Public Authorities is a report from the Centre for Policy Development's Sustainable Economy Program. It recommends...
Starting Better – Centre for Policy Development
Starting Better: A Guarantee for Young Children and Families Starting Better: A guarantee for young children and families, is a major report from the Centre For Policy Development. It draws on extensive consultation and...
International public sector convention 2013 | Brisbane, 20–22 February
Innovation, Infrastructure, Inspiration 20–22 February 2013 | Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Queensland For more information visit CPD Research Director Christopher Stone will address this international conference on the topic of efficiency and the...
Markus Mannheim | The Age, 4 September 2012
Public Sector Informant: How big is our government? Markus Mannheim analysed comments in The Australian last week by the head of the Business Council of Australia, Tony Shepherd, with reference to findings from an earlier CPD...
Public Service Discussion | 6pm, 29 May, Melbourne
Following the release of our forthcoming ‘Big Society’ report in late May, we will host an informal networking event in Melbourne for subscribers who share our interest in the public sector and its role...
The State of the Australian Public Service: An Alternative Report | LANDMARK REPORT
The Centre for Policy Development releases The State of the Australian Public Service: An Alternative Report, as part of our Public Service program. DOWNLOAD the report The State of the Australian Public Service. The report’s key...
Death and taxes
Much ink has been spilled in a longstanding debate about the willingness of citizens to forego tax cuts for investment in services. What’s missing, argues Mark Bahnisch, is genuine political leadership to achieve the...