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Future Ready Feature Image

Future Ready – Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration

Future Ready - Opportunities to reform the Bali Process Future Ready is a report from the Secretariat of the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration that sets out an eight-step plan to strengthen and clarify...

'Beyond the boats' covers

Huffington Post on Beyond the Boats | December 2014

Travers McLeod is interviewed by Kyle Knight about Australia’s asylum seeker and refugee policy and CPD’s recent report Beyond the Boats, which recommended a regional Track II dialogue. “The fact that [Operation Sovereign Borders] has...

cutout figure behind barbed wire

Crikey | 11 June 2013

Asylum seeker policies that utilise scare tactics will not work. Both major parties want to tighten up the refugee determination process and stop the boats, CPD’s John Menadue and Arja Keski-Nummi ask, ‘where is...

PromiseWatch 2013 banner

PromiseWatch 2013: the Houston panel

5. What the parties have pledged on Asylum-seekers and refugees… Published in partnership with Crikey, the PromiseWatch 2013 series captures snapshots of the major parties’ platforms in major policy areas Refugee policy and the plight of...

John Menadue and Arja Keski-Nummi | The Drum Unleashed, 29 August 2012

Seismic shift in asylum policy exposes ghosts of intolerance CPD Fellows ask how to best implement the imperfect set of solutions that is the Houston report While the government has acted wisely in its...

Miriam Lyons on offshore processing | Radio National RN Drive 27 June 2012

Miriam Lyons was interviewed by Waleed Aly about the “pros and cons of offshore processing”. Miriam drew on research by John Menadue AO, Kate Gauthier and Arja Keski-Nummi for the 2011 report, A New...