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N Qld Register logo

North Queensland Register | 25 July 2014

Country Caucus chooses leaders. Shadow Agriculture Minister cites CPD report as key source of ideas on climate change and sustainability. Shadow Minister for Agriculture Joel Fitzgibbon referred to CPD’s Farming smarter, not harder: securing...

CPD Sustainable Economy Research Director Laura Eadie

Developing the North | Fact Sheet

The north of Australia is not as ripe for agricultural development as it would first appear… With conversation growing louder on ideas to develop Northern Australia into a new agricultural power house or ‘foodbowl’,...


Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society | 22 August

A strong economy and a healthy environment NSW Branch Seminar CPD Research Director Laura Eadie and fellow Caroline Hoisington will present a free seminar for the Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society (AARES) discussing...

ABC Environment Online, 11 February 2013

Food boom will be no mining boom CPD’s Sutainable Economy research director Laura Eadie responded to recent pronouncements from both government and opposition, on making Australia into Asia’s ‘food bowl’, with an opinion editorial,...

National sustainable food summit logo

National Sustainable Food Summit webinar | Online

CPD input to food industry thinking Replay Laura Eadie’s webinar here Check out the 2013 National Sustainable Food Summit here CPD Research Director Laura Eadie presented an online webinar to the 3 Pillars knowledge...