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Out of pocket: rethinking health copayments | OCCASIONAL PAPER

Jennifer Doggett proposes a complete rethink of the way we pay for health care in the Centre for Policy Development’s latest paper ‘Out of Pocket’

Welfare for the rich? How tax breaks are transforming Australia’s Welfare State

CPD Fellow, Ben Spies-Butcher considers how tax breaks are transforming Australia’s welfare. Are these new forms of social security promoting self-reliance or more welfare for the rich? If you’re in Melbourne, come along to...

Tax: A Broader Mission

Are we asking our tax and transfer systems to do too much? Ian McAuley believes we have been trying to use transfer payments to compensate for our economy’s inability to provide enough well-paying jobs...

Reforming Australia’s hidden welfare state: Tax expenditures as welfare for the rich | OCCASIONAL PAPER

One of Australia’s least fair and least effective forms of public investment is still growing like topsy. In this paper for the Centre for Policy Development Dr Ben Spies-Butcher and Adam Stebbing uncover Australia’s...

A Rather Too Conservative First Year

CPD fellow Eva Cox assesses the Rudd Government’s performance on Indigenous issues, income support, child care and parental leave: Rudd has apologised to the Stolen Generation, signed Kyoto and fixed some of the worst...

Abuse and Neglect in Care – Then and Now

Philip Mendes considers contemporary leaving care policy and practice: Looking at the 2004 Forgotten Australians report on people who experienced institutional or out-of-home care as children, it would be very easy to conclude that...

How Productive is Social Policy?

Sean Regan writes: The ideal of social and economic integration is one to which few object, at least in public (what is moot is the kind of integration we’d accept). For social democrats ‘fairness’...

WELA submission to the Productivity Commission about Paid Maternity Leave

As Chairperson for the Women’s Electoral Lobby Australia (WELA), I’ve been heavily involved in preparing a submission for the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into Paid Maternity, Paternity and Parental Leave. The WELA strongly supports introducing...

Mean tests: middle class welfare or redistributive fairness?

Arguing in favour of universal paid maternity leave, Eva Cox scrutinises means tests and government payments.

A new policy framework for Indigenous housing

Just as houses need effective architecture and design, so too do Indigenous housing policies, writes Michael Dillon.